Golf Commission Meeting
Aug 14, 2012
6:45 AM
Broadland Creek Proshop
1. Call to order.
2. Approve minutes from previous meeting.
3. Review monthly income & expense report.
4. Approve monthly bills payable.
5. Old business:
A. Follow up on course tour. (Grounds committee)
B. Security system update. (Bigelow)
6. New Business:
A. Strategic plan Goal 1-Governmental structure-liaison involvement
1. Review draft copy of code of ordinances (Robish-Kaufman)
2. Review knowledge requirements for effective liaison representation (Robish, supt; pro)
3. Review capital asset requests for 2013 year.
B. Goal 2 – Teamwork & employee engagement
1. Review daily; bi-weekly; monthly meeting efforts (Robish, supt; pro)
2. Review job descriptions for pt, ft, ee’s recommend changes (supt; pro)
C. Goal 3 – Growing revenue
1. Discuss promotional successes (pro)
D. Goal 4 – Sales & marketing initiatives
1. Discuss member appreciation day promotion (pro)
2. Discuss bi-monthly newsletter (supt, pro)
7. Committee Reports
--- Broadland Creek
--- Memorial
8. Report from Superintendent & Pro
--- Broadland Creek
--- Memorial
9. Other business:
10. Adjourn – Next meeting: Sept 11th 2012 Broadland Creek Pro Shop 6:45 AM