Huron, SD, USA

Soul Shop: Ministering to Faith Communities Affected by Suicide

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Name: Soul Shop: Ministering to Faith Communities Affected by Suicide
Date: November 2, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CDT
Event Description:
It’s estimated that one out of every two people in a given congregation has personally been affected by suicide. Soul Shop trains faith community leaders to offer support, hope, and connection to those in their congregations. Soul Shop also equips participants with the resources and guidance they need to foster hope and healing in their community. This workshop is for anyone who feels called to respond to suicidal desperation in their community. Soul Shop Huron is co-sponsored by the SD chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Nordby Exhibit Hall 1060 3rd St. SW Huron, SD
Date/Time Information:
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Contact Information:
Samantha Christopherson, AFSP
$25 (pre-registration required) Includes full-day workshop, materials, breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
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